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  1. Uluer, D. A., ÖzüdoÄŸru B. (2024). A combined phylogenetic and numerical taxonomic study of Matthiola montana and M. anchoniifolia (Brassicaceae). Phytotaxa, 653(1), 37-53

  2. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Altınözlü, H., ÖzgiÅŸi, K. (2024). Hesperis sivasica (Brassicaceae), A new crucifer species from inner Anatolia. Phytotaxa, 649(3)

  3. Åžentürk, O., Kenicer, G. J., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Yıldırım, H. (2024). Genista etnensis (Leguminosae, Tribe Genisteae): A New Record for Turkey. The Journal of Japanese Botany, 99(1), 1-15.

  4. Hendriks KP, Kiefer C, Al-Shehbaz IA, Bailey CD, Hooft van Huysduynen A, Nikolov LA, Nauheimer L, Zuntini AR, German DA, Franzke A, Koch MA, Lysak MA, Toro-Núñez Ó, ÖzüdoÄŸru B, Invernón VR, Walden N, Maurin O, Hay NM, Shushkov P, Mandáková T, Schranz ME, Thulin M, Windham MD, Rešetnik I, Španiel S, Ly E, Pires JC, Harkess A, Neuffer B, Vogt R, Bräuchler C, Rainer H, Janssens SB, Schmull M, Forrest A, Guggisberg A, Zmarzty S, Lepschi BJ, Scarlett N, Stauffer FW, Schönberger I, Heenan P, Baker WJ, Forest F, Mummenhoff K, Lens F. (2023). Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset. Current Biology. 33:1-17.

  5. Aykurt C., Gülben, M., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Sarı, D., Deniz, Ä°. G., Çıngay, B. (2023). A new Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae) species without staminodes in the enigmatic? Canina clade? from the Western Taurus (Türkiye). Turkish Journal of Botany, 47(5), 388-398.

  6. Dumlupinar, Ä°., Gür, H., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2023). Distributional ecology of Noccaea vesicaria in relation to the Anatolian Diagonal. Turkish Journal of Botany, 47(4), 267-277.

  7. Cilden, E., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2022). Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography reveal recent divergence in the Iberis simplex DC.(Brassicaceae) species complex. Turkish Journal of Botany, 46(6), 567-582.

  8. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Aygören Uluer, D., Tarıkahya HacıoÄŸlu, B., Yıldırım, H. (2022). Phylogeny, biogeography, and character evolution in the genus Scilla sl and its close relatives Chionodoxa, Gemicia, Puschkinia, and Prospero (Asparagaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 308(6), 44.

  9. Fırat, M., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Yıldırım, H. (2022). A new bellflower, Campanula dersimensis (Campanulaceae), from E Anatolia, Turkey. Willdenowia, 52(2), 167-177.

  10. Aytaç, Z., Ä°ÄŸci, B. K., ErtuÄŸrul, T., Pınar, N. M., Uluer, D. A., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2022). Marrubium zeydanlii (Lamiaceae), a new species from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 46(6), 636-644.

  11. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., ÖzgiÅŸi, K. (2022). Acantholimon akaydinii (Plumbaginaceae), a new species of A. section Staticopsis from Eastern Anatolia. Phytotaxa, 539(3), 265-272.

  12. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., KaracaoÄŸlu, Ç., Akaydın, G.,  Erik, S., Mummenhoff, K., SaÄŸlam, Ä°.K. (2022). Ecological specialization promotes  diversity and diversification in the East Mediterranean genus Ricotia (Brassicaceae), Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(2), 331-343.

  13. Yıldırım, H., Özdöl, T., Can, I. D., Erdem, S., OÄŸur, E., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2022). Knautia goecmenii (Caprifoliaceae): an unexpected caespitose suffrutescent new species from the Western Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa, 531(2), 97-110

  14. ÖzüdoÄŸru, Ö., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., TavÅŸanoÄŸlu, T. (2022). Recovery of a plant community in Central Anatolian Steppe after small-scale disturbances Folia Geobotanica, 1-14.

  15. Al-Shehbaz, I. A., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., German, D. A. (2021). Iljinskaea (Brassicaceae), a new genus based on Conringia planisiliqua. Phytotaxa, 500(2), 142-146.

  16. Guo, X., Mandáková, T., Trachtová, K., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Liu, J., Lysak, M.A. (2021) Linked by ancestral bonds: multiple whole-genome duplications and reticulate evolution in a Brassicaceae tribe, Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 51695–1714.

  17. Eslami Farouji, A., Khodayari, H., Assadi, M., Çetin, Ö., Mummenhoff, K., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2021) Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Hesperis (Brassicaceae, tribe Hesperideae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal and chloroplast DNA sequence data. Plant Systematics and Evolution (accepted).

  18. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Mummenhoff, K., (2020) Phylogenetic and biogeographical history confirm the Anatolian origin of Bornmuellera (Brassicaceae) and clade divergence between Anatolia and the Balkans in Plio-Pleistocene transition. Turkish Journal of Botany, 44:593-603.

  19. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., ÖzgiÅŸi, K., PerktaÅŸ, U., Gür, H. (2020). The Quaternary range dynamics of Noccaea iberidea (Brassicaceae), a typical representative of subalpine/alpine steppe communities of Anatolian mountains, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 13: 986-1001.

  20. German, D. A., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2020) On the identity of some endemic SW Asian Cruciferae. II, Phytotaxa, 470(2): 165-175.

  21. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Yıldırım, H. (2019). Heldreichia bupleurifolia subsp. malatyana (Brassicaceae): A new Subspecies from Eastern Anatolia. BaÄŸbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 6(3): 1-8.

  22. Bhattacharya, S., Sperber, K., ÖzüdoÄŸru B, Leubner-Metzger, G.,  Mummenhoff, K. (2019). Naturally-primed life strategy plasticity of dimorphic Aethionema arabicum facilitates optimal habitat colonization. Scientific Reports 9:16108.

  23. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., ÖzgiÅŸi, K., Tarıkahya-HacıoÄŸlu, B., Ocak, A., Mummenhoff, K., Al-Shehbaz, I. (2019) Phylogeny of the genus Noccaea Moench (Brassicaceae) and a critical review of its generic circumscription. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 104(3): 339-354.

  24. Özçandır, A., Aykurt, C., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2019) Ricotia candiriana (Brassicaceae), a new species from southern Anatolia, Turkey, Phytotaxa, 388 (4): 287–294.

  25. ÖzüdoÄŸru B., German D. A., (2018) Taxonomic remarks on Pseudosempervivum (Brassicaceae)", Phytotaxa, vol.383, pp.103-110

  26. Güzel, Y., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Kayıkçı, S., ÖzgiÅŸi, K. (2018). Noccaea ali-atahanii (Brassicaceae): A new species from southern Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Botany, 42 (6) (2018).780-789.

  27. Eslami Farouji, A., Khodayari, H., Assadi, M., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Çetin, Ö., Mummenhoff, K., Bhattacharya, S. (2018). Numerical taxonomy contributes to delimitation of Iranian and Turkish Hesperis L. (Brassicaceae) species, Phytotaxa. 367 (2): 101–119

  28. Mandákova, T., Guo, X., ÖzüdoÄŸru B., Mummenhoff K., Lysak M. A. Hybridization-facilitated genome merger and repeated chromosome fusion after eight million years, The Plant Journal, 96;748-760

  29. Zare G., ÖzüdoÄŸru B., Ergan G., TavÅŸanoÄŸlu Ç.  (2018).Taxonomic notes on the genus Chaenorhinum (Plantaginaceae) in Turkey. Acta Botanica Croatica, 77 (2), 209–213.

  30. ÖzgiÅŸi, K., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Ocak, A. (2018). Contributions to Turkish Flora: Taxonomic and distributional notes on the poorly known Noccaea (Brassicaceae) species. Phytotaxa. 346 (3): 247–257.

  31. ÖzgiÅŸi, K., Ocak, A., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2018). Noccaea birolmutlui, a New Crucifer Species from South West Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa. 345 (1): 59–67

  32. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2018). Phylogenetic position, taxonomy, distribution, and conservation status of the rare and poorly-known Noccaea rosularis, the generic type of Masmenia (Brassicaceae). Phytotaxa. 344 (2): 169–176

  33. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. Thlaspiceras sensu Meyer Tür Kompleksinin Plastidik trnQ-5'rps16 Bölgesine Dayalı Filogenisi. Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences.

  34. TavÅŸanoÄŸlu, Ç., Ergan, G., Çatav, Åž.S., Zare, G., Küçükakyüz, K., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2017). Multiple fire-related cues stimulate germination in Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Plantaginaceae), a rare annual in the Mediterranean Basin. Seed Science Research, vol. 27, pp. 26-38.

  35. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Al-Shehbaz, I., Mummenhoff, K. (2017) Tribal assignment of Heldreichia Boiss. (Brassicaceae): Evidence from nuclear ITS and plastidic ndhF markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 303: 329-335.

  36. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Fırat, M., (2016) Arabis watsonii (P.H.Davis) F.K.Mey.: An overlooked cruciferous species from eastern Anatolia and its phylogenetic position, Phytokeys 75: 57–68  doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.75.10568

  37. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Akaydın, G.,  Erik, S., Mummenhoff, K. (2016) Seed Morphology of Ricotia (Brassicaceae) and its Phylogenetic and Systematic Implication, Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 222, 60-67.

  38. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Akaydın, G.,  Erik, S., Al-Shehbaz, I., Mummenhoff, K. (2015) Phylogeny, diversification and biogeographic implications of the eastern Mediterranean endemic genus Ricotia (Brassicaceae). Taxon 64 (4) 727–740.

  39. TavÅŸanoÄŸlu, Ç., Çatav, Åž.S., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B. (2015) Fire-related germination and early seedling growth in 21 herbaceous species in Central Anatolian steppe. Journal of Arid Environments 122: 109-116.

  40. Fırat, M., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Tarıkahya-HacıoÄŸlu, B., Bülbül, A.S.,Al-Shehbaz, I., Mummenhoff, K., Phylogenetic position and taxonomic assignment of Thlaspi aghricum P.H.Davis & K.Tan (Brassicaceae), Phytotaxa.178 (4): 287–297 (2014).

  41. Tarıkahya-HacıoÄŸlu, B., KaracaoÄŸlu, Ç., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., (2014) The speciation history      and systematics of Carthamus (Asteraceae) with special emphasis on Turkish species by integrating phylogenetic and Ecological Niche Modelling data, Plant Systematics and Evolution. 1349–1359,

  42. ÖzüdoÄŸru B., Erik S., Taeb F., Astragalus pseudopinetorum (Fabaceae), a new species from Turkey, Annales Botanici Fennici, 48(1): 84-86, (2011). doi:

  43. ÖzüdoÄŸru B., Akaydın G., Erik S., Yesilada E., Inferences From an Ethnobotanical Field Expedition in the Selected Locations of Sivas and Yozgat Provinces (TURKEY), Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 137: 85-98 (2011)

  44. Akaydın, G., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Kırmızıpekmez, H., YeÅŸilada, E.,  The Flora of Kayışdağı (Ä°stanbul/Turkey) and floristic comparision with neighboring floras, Biological Diversity and Conservation   4/1 (2011) 67-78

  45. ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Erik, S., Akaydın G., The Flora of the Karababa Mountain (Sivas-Åžarkışla / Turkey), Biological Diversity and Conservation 3(3) 176-192, (2010)

  46. Kızılpınar, Ä°., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Özmen, E., Erik, S., DoÄŸan, C., Morphological,Palynological and Ecological Features of Dianthus engleri Hausskn. & Bornm. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 38(2) 139-147, (2010).

  47. Özmen, E., Kızılpınar, Ä°., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., DoÄŸan, C., Erik, S., Pollen Morphology of Some Taxa of aromatic Tanacetum L. (Asteraceae), FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 34, 1-11, (2009)

  48. Kızılpınar, Ä°.,ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., Tarıkahya,B., DoÄŸan,C., Erik., S., Pollen Morphology of Some Thymus L.(Lamiaceae) Taxa Used Spice in Anatolia, Mellifera, 9(18),  13-22, (2009).

  49. Akaydın, G., Özmen, E., ÖzüdoÄŸru, B., “Balıklayalar Vadisi ( Gebze-Kocaeli)’nin Florası”, F.Ü., Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(3): 279-289, (2006).

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